Small Groups
Berean Fellowship
Berean Evening Fellowship is a small group gathering on Sunday evenings, from 6-7pm at the church. One of the main qualities of a Berean was to search the Scriptures. Most weeks, we will discuss the Scripture from the morning service and pray together. Some weeks, we will hear from visiting missionaries or special guests as they share what God is doing in other parts of the world.
Life Groups
Life Groups are small groups for families and/or individuals that meet regularly for Bible study and fellowship. Contact the church office at office@ergrace.org if you'd like to join a group.
Men's Bible Study
The Men's Bible Study meets weekly on Thursday evenings, 6:30pm, at a home in Eagle River. Contact the church office at office@ergrace.org for more information.
Women's Bible Study
The Women's Bible Study meets weekly on Friday mornings, 10:00am, at the church. Using the Discovery Bible Study method, together they study a Scripture passage related to one topic. Childcare is provided. Check the online calendar to see if they are meeting this week.
Men's Breakfast
One Saturday per month, the men of Eagle River Grace are invited to breakfast at the church. Come enjoy fellowship, food, and spiritual encouragement. Check the online calendar to find when the next breakfast is being served. Contact Pastor Brad at pastorbrad@ergrace.org for more information, or with offers to help cook breakfast!
​Women's Church History Study
Monday evenings, fall 2024, 6:30-8:30pm
A study for women using the text Church History in Plain Language, a readable book studying the early centuries of the church up through the modern era, meets at the church. Women from our church and community are welcome. It will be led by Karen Lord. Contact the church office (office@ergrace.org) with questions and sign-up information.
Moms In Prayer
Calling moms, grandmas, aunts – any woman desiring to pray for children and schools whether public, private, or homeschool—from preschool through college! Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope when you pray scripturally and specifically for your children and their school with other moms. You are welcome to join the group that prays weekly during the school year at Eagle River Grace, on Tuesdays, from 9:00 to 10:00am. Ladies can join any time throughout the year. Contact Caroline Kirby (907-952-3382) with questions.
Young Adult Collective
The Young Adult Collective (YAC) meets weekly (typically on Friday Nights), and do everything from service projects, to hikes, to worship nights, to camp-outs, to Bible studies, to heated discussions on irrelevant-yet-nevertheless-interesting topics. We exist to share life with one another in Christ around food and fellowship. And it is amazing.
Married couples and their kids are most welcome! Contact Luke Magnusson at 907-744-2548 for more information.